Message from the Sheriff
On behalf of the men and women of our office, I welcome you to the official Washington County Pennsylvania Sheriffs Office website. We appreciate your interest and thank you for visiting. We hope you find the information provided helpful.
The primary goal of the Washington County Sheriffs Office is to continue to make Washington County a safe and secure community for everyone that lives, works, or visits the area. We have been proudly protecting and serving Washington County since 1781. From modest beginnings, the office has grown to include 34 full-time deputies, 6 part-time Deputies and a Chief Deputy Sheriff and two Captains that oversee operations, civil division, and administration services.

The shifts are supervised by Sergeants, comprised of a desk Sergeant running day to day operations. An afternoon shift Sergeant or Corporal oversees the evening operations, a Sergeant supervises courthouse logistics and
security, and a Sergeant oversees transportation and fleet management.
The Fugitive Unit is comprised of a supervising Sergeant and Corporal and four Deputies. This unit is responsible for fugitive and domestic warrant apprehension. We have one K9 unit for tracking and explosive detection and two deputies assigned to DARE and public relations.
Our firearms division is managed by a Sergeant and this unit is responsible for issuance of license to carry firearm permits, the catalog and safekeeping of weapons seized and instruction to our deputies for firearms qualifications, tactics, and safe handling. We currently have four firearms instructors for our training needs. Concealed carry applications are accepted at our office 9 am To 3:30 pm M-F.
We also have an outstanding clerical staff who are ready to assist you when you call or visit the office.
We hope that the information provided in our website will be helpful. I encourage you to participate in making our county a safe place for our residents and those that visit. Please visit us as well on our Facebook page
Please contact me or my Chief Deputy Sheriff Anthony R. Mosco if you have suggestions on how we can provide better services, as well as any other questions or concerns.
Sheriff Anthony E. Andronas
Washington County PA
724-228-6840 Office
The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of the county and is called upon in times of riot, strikes, patrolling duties, courthouse security, and the transportation of prisoners, juveniles, and mental patients. Also, to:
- Conduct the sale of real estate and personal property
- Serve civil processes (lawsuits), PFAs (Protection from Abuse Orders), subpoenas, and other legal documents
- Issue licenses to carry concealed weapons, licenses to sell firearms, and licenses to buy and sell precious metals
- Serve criminal, domestic relations, and bench warrants
- Provide transportation for prisoners and dependent / delinquent children as per court orders
- Provide security for the county courthouse, properties, and county parks
- Enforce court orders and injunctions
- Enforce laws of the commonwealth and to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Downloadable Documents
- 2024 Sheriff Sale Dates
- 2025 Sheriff Sale Dates
- Order For Service
- Checklist for Execution Packet
- Execution Notice Packet
- Applications
- License to sell precious metals
- PA License to Carry Firearm
- Sheriff's Sale Mapping Application
- Washington County Auction Site

Anthony Andronas
Courthouse Square
100 West Beau Street
Washington, PA 15301