Central Purchasing is located on the Fourth Floor, Suite 430 of Crossroads Center in Washington, PA. You can find directions to the building, instructions on our purchasing procedures, and the current bids and proposals that are available, as well as surplus items online. For further information, please email the Purchasing Department at [email protected]
Click above to access bids for Washington County online. Click here to subscribe to bid notifications.
Terms & Condition of Use
Washington County Purchasing does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted, or secure access to our website. From time to time, the operation of this site may be affected by numerous factors outside of our control.
Upon accessing our website for Bid Results, tabulations will be posted under the bid number for not less than 30-days following bid opening. In the case of RFP results, these will only be made available following a public Board of County Commissioner's award and contract negotiation when confidential or proprietary information is contained within. Any requests for past results can be directed to the Purchasing Department email listed above with attention to: Contract Manager.
By accessing this site, users of the Washington County Purchasing Department website agree to the following: The information provided on this site is on an “as is” and “as available” basis.
Any unidentified modifications to the original bid or RFP document issued by the Washington County Purchasing Department shall be invalid. In a situation where modifications are unidentified, the original document issued by Washington County Purchasing shall take precedence. Any vendor responding to a Washington County bid or RFP is responsible for clearly identifying any changes or modifications, as exceptions, to any downloaded documents in their response to the county.
Vendors are responsible for checking this website for addenda prior to submitting their bids. Washington County Purchasing is not responsible for the content of any bid package received through any third party bid service. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the documents received.

Randy K. Vankirk
Email: [email protected]
Crossroads Center
95 W. Beau St.
Suite 430
Washington, PA 15301