Closes: 2/25/2025, 11:00:00 AM | Open |
Permanent Supportive Housing Program Provider Bid No: 022525-PSH RFP Read details.022525_PSH_RFP_Forms_Advertisment REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Notice is hereby given that Washington County will be receiving sealed proposals for ‘Permanent Supportive Housing’, at the Office of the County Controller, to be mailed or delivered to, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430, Courthouse Square Office Building, Washington, PA 15301, until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on Tuesday, February 25th, 2024. All submissions shall contain one unbound original and five copies. RFPs will be promptly opened at the time indicated above, names only to be read. Late submissions will not be accepted. The above-mentioned RFP document may be obtained on or before Wednesday, January 29th from the Washington County website at Washington County PA: Official Website ( Vendors receiving RFP documents are responsible for checking for contract changes and addenda at the website. Proposers shall be prepared to offer highly qualified and competitive proposals to address the needs of individuals and families in the PSH program. All proposals must be in the format requested and must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and specifications. Washington County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Interested parties may email any written request for clarifications or information to the Washington County Purchasing Office to Dalton Thompson at [email protected] or to Randy Vankirk at [email protected]. Any requests for clarifications are due to be received no later than February 14th 2025. Inquiries will not be accepted orally or via phone. Requests for Information (RFI’s) will be distributed and responded to in the timeliest manner available and in question-and-answer form. Responses will be posted to the County website as listed herein in the form of an addendum. Washington County will not be held responsible for any incorrect information obtained from any source other than from Washington County.
Closes: 2/25/2025, 11:00:00 AM | Open |
Rapid Re-Housing Bid No: 022525-RRH RFP Read details.022525_RRH_RFP_Forms_Advertisment REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Notice is hereby given that Washington County will be receiving sealed proposals for ‘Rapid Rehousing Programming’, at the Office of the County Controller, to be mailed or delivered to, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430, Courthouse Square Office Building, Washington, PA 15301, until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on Tuesday, February 25th, 2024. All submissions shall contain one unbound original and five copies. RFPs will be promptly opened at the time indicated above, names only to be read. Late submissions will not be accepted. The above-mentioned RFP document may be obtained on or before Wednesday, January 29th from the Washington County website at Washington County PA: Official Website ( Vendors receiving RFP documents are responsible for checking for contract changes and addenda at the website. Proposers shall be prepared to offer highly qualified and competitive proposals to address the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness. All proposals must be in the format requested and must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and specifications. Washington County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Interested parties may email any written request for clarifications or information to the Washington County Purchasing Office to Dalton Thompson at [email protected] or to Randy Vankirk at [email protected]. Any requests for clarifications are due to be received no later than February 14th 2025. Inquiries will not be accepted orally or via phone. Requests for Information (RFI’s) will be distributed and responded to in the timeliest manner available and in question-and-answer form. Responses will be posted to the County website as listed herein in the form of an addendum. Washington County will not be held responsible for any incorrect information obtained from any source other than from Washington County.
Closes: 2/25/2025, 11:00:00 AM | Open |
Washington County Fairgrounds Hall 1 Restroom Bid No: 022525-Hall 1 RR Read details.022525_Hall_1_RR_Nondiscrimination_Form 022525_Hall_1_RR_Public_Works_Verification_Form
All bids must be submitted as one original and two unbound copies according to the specifications. Plans and specifications can be obtained at the Washington County Purchasing Office, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430, Washington, PA 15301. You may obtain the above-mentioned bid proposal from the Washington County Web site at Vendors receiving bids from the web site are responsible for checking for contract changes at the web site. Proposal must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier’s check, bank good faith check, other irrevocable letter of credit or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the total amount of bid and made payable to the order of the Washington County Commissioners. Only the Bid Securities listed will be accepted. The Washington County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bid proposals. Interested parties may email any written request for clarifications or information to the Washington County Purchasing Office to Dalton Thompson at [email protected] or to Randy Vankirk at [email protected]. Any requests for clarifications are due to be received no later than February 16th, 2025. Inquiries will not be accepted orally or via phone. Requests for Information (RFI’s) will be distributed and responded to in the timeliest manner available and in question-and-answer form. Responses will be posted to the County website as listed herein in the form of an addendum. SEALED BID ENVELOPE MUST BE MARKED: CONTRACT # 022525-Hall 1 RR
Closes: 2/25/2025, 11:00:00 AM | Open |
Washington County Airport - 14-Unit T Hangar Bid Bid No: 022525-14 Unit T Hangar Read details.ADDENDUM 2 ISSUED 2.21.2025 3:00P.M SEE LINK BELOW ADDENDUM 2: 022525_14_Unit_T_Hangar_Addendum_No_2_P707240338 ADDENDUM 1 ISSUED 2.19.2025 4:00P.M. SEE LINK 1 BELOW ADDENDUM 1: 022525_14_Unit_T_Hangar_Addendum_No_1_P707240338
022525_14_Unit_T_Hangar_As_Advertised_Manual_P707240338 022525_14_Unit_T_Hangar_Information_for_Bidders_P707240338 022525_14_Unit_T_Hangar_Invitation_to_Bid_P707240338
INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that The County of Washington will receive proposals for Contract 022525-14 Unit T-Hangar until 11:00 AM on February 25, 2025 at the Office of the County Controller 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430 , Washington, PA 15301. The proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at 11:00 AM the same day on February 25, 2025 at the Office of the County Controller . Late Bids will not be accepted. Any interested party may contact the Purchasing Department
Closes: 3/4/2025, 11:00:00 AM | Open |
Washington County New Public Safety Building - Tower Demo Package Bid No: 030425-CHS Demo Read details.030425_CHS_Demo_Project_Manual 030425_CHS_Demo_Tower_Demo_Set 030425_CHS_Demo_Bldg_911_mod_Set 030425_CHS_Demo_Wash_Co_Courthouse_Sq_Parking_Garage_Str_Dwgs PRE-BID MEETING: Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 SEALED BIDS for construction/demolition of the “Washington County New Public Safety Building - Tower Demolition Package”, 100 West Beau Street, Washington County, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301. Bids will be received, mailed or delivered to the Office of the Washington County Controller, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301, until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. (Late bids are not accepted.) All bids must be submitted as ONE ORIGINAL + THREE COPIES (1 unbound) according to the specifications and upon a uniform proposal blank. Specifications and bid document blanks may be picked up at the Washington County Purchasing Office, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430, Washington, PA 15301, or by submitting a written request to this address. Bidders may email their written request to the Washington County Purchasing Office to either Dalton Thompson at [email protected] or to Randy Vankirk at [email protected] or to Mike Gorman at [email protected]. You may obtain the above-mentioned bid document from the Washington County website at Vendors receiving bids from the website are responsible for checking for contract changes at the website. Bid offer must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier’s check, bank good faith check, other irrevocable letter of credit or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the total amount of bid and made payable to the order of “Washington County”. Only the Bid Securities listed will be accepted. Washington County (WC) reserves the right to reject any or all bid offers. Any questions regarding the specifications should be emailed at least 10 days prior to bid opening to Mike Gorman, at [email protected]. SEALED BID ENVELOPE MUST BE MARKED: CONTRACT #030425-CHS DEMO
Closes: 12/31/2024, 11:00:00 AM | Closed |
John White House Roof Replacement Bid Bid No: 123124-JWR Read details.
Public Works Verification Form
NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED BIDS for construction of the “John White House Roof Replacement”, Washington County, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301, will be received at the Office of the Washington County Controller, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 403, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301, until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2024. (Late bids are not accepted.) All bids must be submitted as ONE ORIGINAL + THREE COPIES (1 unbound) according to the specifications and upon a uniform proposal blank. Specifications and bid document blanks may be picked up at the Washington County Purchasing Office, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430, Washington, PA 15301, or by submitting a written request to this address. Bidders may email their written request to the Washington County Purchasing Office to either Dalton Thompson at [email protected] or to Randy Vankirk at [email protected]. You may obtain the above-mentioned bid document from the Washington County website at Vendors receiving bids from the website are responsible for checking for contract changes at the website. Bid offer must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier’s check, bank good faith check, other irrevocable letter of credit or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the total amount of bid and made payable to the order of the “Washington County History and Landmarks Foundation”. Only the Bid Securities listed will be accepted. The Washington County History & Landmarks Foundation (WCHLF) reserves the right to reject any or all bid offers.
Closes: 2/4/2025, 11:00:00 AM | Closed |
Opioid Settlement Funding Application RFPII Bid No: 020425-OSF RFPII Read details.020425_OSF_RFPII Application REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Notice is hereby given that Washington County will be receiving sealed proposals for award of ‘Opioid Settlement Funding RFP II’, at the Office of the County Controller, to be mailed or delivered to, 95 West Beau Street, Suite 430, Courthouse Square Office Building, Washington, PA 15301, until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025. All submissions shall contain one unbound original and five copies. RFPs will be promptly opened at the time indicated above, names only to be read. Late submissions will not be accepted. The above-mentioned RFP document may be obtained on or before Friday, January 17th 2025 from the Washington County website at Washington County PA: Official Website ( Vendors receiving RFP documents are responsible for checking for contract changes and addenda at the website. Proposers shall be prepared to offer a proposal for the application and award of Opioid Settlement Funds. All proposals must be in the format requested and must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and specifications. Washington County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Interested parties may email any written request for clarifications or information to the Washington County Purchasing Office to Dalton Thompson at [email protected] or to Randy Vankirk at [email protected]. Any requests for clarifications are due to be received no later than January 25th, 2025. Inquiries will not be accepted orally or via phone. Requests for Information (RFI’s) will be distributed and responded to in the timeliest manner available and in question-and-answer form. Responses will be posted to the County website as listed herein in the form of an addendum. Washington County will not be held responsible for any incorrect information obtained from any source other than from Washington County.
95 W Beau St, Washington, PA 15301 | 724-228-6700
General Hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm, M-F (some departments may vary -- call before visiting)