This document is a statement of policy for Washington County concerning the review of subdivision and land development applications by the Washington County Planning Commission.
The County Planning Commission is required by Act 247 as amended, the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code to review and report on subdivision applications before the applications can be approved by the municipal governing body.
PLEASE NOTE: Any Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance issues or inquiries must be directed to the municipality where the property is located. For contact information, please see the Municipal Contact Information Sheet.
For a subdivision application to be considered for review it must contain three copies of the plan, a completed subdivision and land development review application form, and the appropriate fee.
The application reviews will include but not be limited to an environmental evaluation. Each application will be evaluated against available environmental maps and records. The environmental maps and records are provided to the Planning Commission by the United States Department of the Interior's Geologic Survey, Fish and Wildlife Service, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources' Bureau of Topographic, and Geologic Resources and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Washington County Planning Commission is not responsible for the accuracy of this information. The information in these maps and records is generalized and if more detailed information is warranted the applicant or municipality is encouraged to conduct further investigation. The Planning Commission will notify the applicant or his agent, and the municipality in which the subdivision is located, if there appears to be a chance that any of the following environmental hazards will affect the property:
The Washington County Planning Commission will not review the application for compliance with municipal subdivision and land development ordinances, zoning ordinances, or other land use regulations adopted by the municipality. This is the responsibility of local elected officials or their designees.
The following fees will be charged by Washington County Planning Commission for subdivision and land development reviews as authorized by Act 247 as amended, the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. These fees are effective January 1, 2008. Plans will not be accepted for review without the appropriate fee, application and three copies of the plan.
For more information, please call (724) 228-6811.
95 W Beau St, Washington, PA 15301 | 724-228-6700
General Hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm, M-F (some departments may vary -- call before visiting)